

Dr Stuart Skirving
Dr Stuart Skirving
"I enjoy all the different cases we see in a mixed practice."

Dr Rebel Skirving
Dr Rebel Skirving
"I love a challenge."


Dr Kyong Nahm
Dr Kyong Nahm
"Caring for those who cannot speak."
Dr Emma Burpee
Dr Emma Burpee

"I love spending extra time getting to know your pet on a personal level so that I can offer them the best care possible. I am currently working toward my Graduate Certificate in Small Animal Medicine, which I am very excited to complete."
Dr Cassandra Marr
Dr Cassandra Marr
"I'm thrilled to be a part of the team here at Gambier Vets. I have always loved the variety seen in mixed practice. I'm really looking forward to meeting all of our clients and caring for your pets in the rain, hail or shine."
Dr Maxine De Robillard
Dr Maxine De Robillard

"I love the caseload here at Gambier Vets. I have developed a strong interest in mixed practice, particularly loving those critters that can fly, our friends with scales and everything inbetween. I really enjoy ophthalmology and surgery."
Dr Nic Verco
Dr Nic Verco

"I moved down to Mt Gambier from Adelaide to see a wide variety in animal species, large and small. I also really enjoy seeing exotic species and have a keen interest in surgery."
Dr Cassandra Marr
Dr Lauren Madin
"Grateful to have joined the team here at Gambier Vets. Looking forward to extending my skills in all areas, and especially with our bovine friends."

Support Staff

Lynne Hiney
Lynne Hiney - Management Team
"After spending many years as a Veterinary Nurse on the Fleurieu Peninsula, I was overjoyed to join the wonderful team here at Gambier Vets. I strive to offer the very best in 'professional service with a smile' and love getting to know and care for our clients and patients as extended family."
Terry Inglis
Terry Inglis - Work Health & Safety Officer
"Having worked in a range of industries as a senior Work Health & Safety Manager, I am delighted to have been adopted by Gambier Vets. I am proud not only to be an animal lover, but also to be a guardian of worker well-being. I will work to ensure our staff and clients are kept safe, healthy & happy, so that our patients are safe, healthy & happy."

Trish Van Dyk
Trish Van Dyk
- Receptionist
"I have always loved animals, especially dogs. I am loving working with the wonderful staff here, and getting a regular 'Puppy Fix'."

Stacey Pawelski
Stacey Pawelski
- Receptionist
"I'm very happy to be working here as I am a major animal lover with my own little zoo at home (according to my husband)."

Ali Whitehead
- Receptionist
"I'm thrilled to be a new adoptee of the Gambier Vets family! I love being able to put a smile on our human visitors' faces and ensuring their fur family gets the greatest of care..not to mention all the creature cuddles! "

Kaitlyn Horrigan
Kaitlyn Horrigan
- Receptionist
"Being Kind to Every Kind."

Allison Anderson
Allison Anderson
- Receptionist
"Working at Gambier Vets is a dream come true. Each day you don't know what will come through the front doors which makes it exciting."

- Clinic Cat
"I like to spend my days checking in on your furry family members, and making new friends."

- Bearded Dragon
"I am quite enjoying my new home with Gambier Vets, and watching the hustle and bustle of each day."

Nursing Staff

Courtney Cook
Courtney Cook
- Hospital Manager &
Senior Veterinary Nurse
"After 23 years, I still really enjoy the challenges that each day brings."
Helen Walker
Helen Walker - Veterinary Nurse
"Originally based in NSW, I have worked in large and small animal hospitals throughout Australia and New Zealand. I have moved back to Australia after 7 years in New Zealand, it's great to be back home and part of a caring and progressive practice with the team at Gambier Vets."

Sharni Malseed
Sharni Malseed
- Veterinary Nurse
"I love coming to work each day to care for animals. I have a special interest in canine breeding and puppies."

Chloe Miller
Chloe Shepherd
- Veterinary Nurse

"I love how every day is different and provides a challenge whilst working with an amazing team! As an animal lover, it's great to work with animals of all shapes and sizes."

Rochelle Davies
Rochelle Morrison
- Veterinary Nurse
"I have come from a background in Animal Behaviour and I love being able to make all of the animals time here as comfortable as possible. I am so grateful to have started my career in such a wonderful workplace."

Hannah Wells
Hannah Wells
- Veterinary Nurse
"I enjoy the variety that every day brings. I especially love meeting all the puppies and kittens."

Samantha Norris

Samantha Norris - Veterinary Nurse
"I love helping all creatures great and small. Since starting in the veterinary industry a decade ago, I have had many amazing opportunities. Helping out animals and their families is something I'm so happy to be doing daily!"

Brittainy Harrison
Brittainy Harrison - Veterinary Nurse
"Originally from sunny Queensland working with small animals, I'm excited to embark on a new adventure with mixed practice. I love all things surgery and taking the time to get to know you and your fur babies."

Malye Matthews-Cox
Malye Matthews-Cox
- Veterinary Nurse
"Joining the team at Gambier Vets has been an absolute dream. I've previously worked in a small animal clinic in NSW, and I'm really enjoying the change. I love working with such an amazing and compassionate team."

Montana Seeley
Montana Seeley - Veterinary Nurse
"Originally from Adelaide, where I have worked in a small animal practice. I have a love for chihuahuas and I’m enjoying every moment of being welcomed into the Gambier Vets family."

Phoebe Tregenza
Phoebe Hollamby - Veterinary Nurse
"I enjoy working with animals, and learning how to care for them."

Grooming Staff

Angela Janeway
Angela Janeway
- Veterinary Nurse and Groomer
"I love making the dogs look beautiful and smell clean... my favourite dogs to groom are Schnauzers!"

Angela Crisp
Angela Crisp - Groomer
"I have always had a strong interest in working with animals, especially dogs. I am really enjoying my time here at Gambier Vets!"

Courtey Robinson

Courtney Robinson - Groomer
"I'm an animal lover, with a particular interest in dogs. Being able to spend my working hours with them is so much fun!"



© Gambier Vets
22 Allison Street
(Post Office Box 3110)
Mount Gambier SA 5290
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telephone 08 8725 8333 all hours